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3D animation, 2022


number of total editions: 6


available via USB-stick: € 730,00

Lisa Faustmann - My Yoni Is Only My Business

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  • Lisa Faustmann is a freelance artist who has completed the bachelor's degree in "Information Design" as well as the master's program in "Media Design" at the FH Joanneum in Graz.
    The focus of her artistic research is the production of 2D & 3D animations, which deal with a variety of topics. Her oeuvre is characterized, among other things, by colourfulness and animal depictions, which at first suggest a playfulness or cheerfulness, but explicitly process the critical perspective of the artist in regard to socio-political or environmental content. This is particularly evident in the work "The Sad Story", which highlights the age of the Anthropocene and the accompanying destruction of nature, as well as the correlated destruction of the vital habitat of animals. The seriousness of the topic is contrasted with a visually appearing lightness of the spinning gorilla and thus points all the more to the abuses by human hands as well as the tendency to forget or embellish such situations in everyday life.
    For her bachelor thesis "WHERE IS LOU?" Lisa Faustmann was awarded the Red Dot Junior Award. Her exhibition participations also include the show "Mach schon - schön", which took place at esc medien kunst labor.


This artworks are shipped from the artist directly. Any international shipment may be liable to Customs and Excise Duty as well as Value Added Tax payments.

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