digital photography, 2019
format: 100x70 cm
total number of editions: 10
available as:
print: € 710,00
framed print: € 945,00
information about the frame:
colour: black
material: aluminium
format: 100x70 cm
antireflection-coated museum glass
Marie Luise Baumschlager - 10:39
The freelance art photographer graduated from the Academy of Applied Photography in Graz and is currently studying "Photography and Time-based Media" at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
As an artistic approach, Marie Luise Baumschlager combines characteristics of staged photography and thus a strategically planned image composition with mechanisms of alienation in regard to the individual elements within the image. Therefore, new - sometimes absurd - relationships between subject and object are created in her artworks, especially by depriving the object of its everyday function and thus robbing it of its ascribed meaning. Due to the claim of reality representation connected with photography, her visually constructed, different situations or rather relations between human and object evoke a provocative as well as critical reflection of human perception and our construction of reality.
Apart from various participations in group exhibitions in Vienna and Graz as well as a solo exhibition in Upper Austria, her works have also been exhibited and represented by the Ursula Stross gallery in Graz.